Ever After


1 Comment

The Farmer’s wife shouted, “Look!”

And the farmer looked and beheld the bunny that had re-entered the garden paradise.

As the farmer’s wife mused aloud whether the cute critter was “Cain or Abel,” the farmer boldly answered, “Nay. Neither Cain nor Abel, but LUCIFER!”

As he stormed out the door, the farmer’s wife followed, camera in-hand, ready to chronicle the continuing adventure.

BT Garden Bunny Search BT Garden Bunny Search2 BT Garden Bunny Search3

“Wife! Put down thy wretched camera and post not my farming foibles on thy blog!”

But alas, the Farmer’s commands to his wife were as fruitless his attempts to banish the bunnies.

1 Comment

  • Comment by Stacy A — April 14, 2008 @ 9:24 am

    Lori, sorry it has been a bit. Time can so easily slip away. Thank you so much for your beautiful letter. I have read it many times and it brings me strength and peace each time. You have quite the way with whimsical story telling. I love reading your little excerpts. You are in my thoughts and I will be in touch soon. Love Stacy

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