Ever After
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  • May27th

    Tender mercies have been showered down upon us once again.

    Do you remember my post about our garage full of unfinished furniture?


    Be honest.  Did you ever think that Bryan and I would finish that project in our lifetimes?  Well, apparently, the heavens knew that we wouldn’t, because my dad called a few weeks ago and said that he had a strong impression that he needed to come and help us with our project.  His sacrifice is an act of pure love and a demonstration of his willingness to obey spiritual promptings.  He doesn’t like to leave home.  He will be away from his own bed and his dear wife for a month!  But he’s a godsend, an angel in a dust mask, and is the only reason why our project will actually be finished in this decade.


    We love you, Dad/Grandpa!


    p.s.  In case you’re wondering what the heck this contraption in the corner of our driveway is . . . .  It’s a “spraying booth,” not a playhouse for the girls.

    Ariana Delivery

    p.p.s  Speaking of angels–Ariana wheeled out this refreshment cart to help nourish our fatiqued, sweaty bodies.  You’re a sweetheart, Ariana!

  • May27th

    Yes.  We’ve been to Disney World.  We’ve been to the zoo.  We’ve been to the movies, bowling, miniature golf, and to museums.  And all of these things are super entertaining, but I’m frequently amazed at how much fun kids can have without us having to spend a dime.

    Water Park Ariana Water Park1 Vivi Water Park2

    One of our new “free fun” favorites is this city park with a water playground.  The only downside is that Vivi begs to go there 24×7, rain or shine.

  • May27th

    It’s crazy what kids will get into when you’re otherwise occupied.  (And, no.  In case you’re wondering, my negligence (this time) wasn’t because I was blogging or quilting or anything like that.  I was actually trying to finish up some painting in the girls’ room).

    Vivi Toes

    I’m surprised (and VERY relieved) that most of the fingernail polish ended up on Vivi’s toes and not on the tile or carpet.