Ever After
  • Archives
  • June20th

    Shopping for a bathing suit is a humiliating experience, even under the best of circumstances.

    Shopping for a bathing suit while pregnant is definitely worse.

    Shopping for a bathing suit while pregnant with two kids with you in the dressing room, one of them screaming that she wants her binkie that she left in the car parked nearly a day’s hike away, is even worse.

    Shopping for a bathing suit while pregnant with two kids with you in the dressing room, one of them screaming for her binkie and the other exclaiming, “No, Vivi!  Don’t hold the curtain open!” as you blindly struggle to extricate yourself from the swim suit top stuck around your head is definitely the WORST!  And it doesn’t help matters that I was in the FIRST dressing room, closest to the front of the store, and there were LOTS of women AND their husbands milling around.

    Yeah.  That’s the kind of day I had.