Ever After



  • Pacifier use increases the risk of ear infections.
  • Pacifier use causes buck teeth or other dental abnormalities.
  • Pacifier use inhibits evolving social development.
  • Pacifier use is unsanitary.
  • Pacifier use hinders language development and can cause a lisp.
  • Pacifier use delays potty training.
  • Pacifier use beyond infancy hinders the development of self-soothing and stress-management techniques.
  • Pacifier use paves the road for future addictive behaviors such as smoking or eating disorders.

Vivi Binkie 2

To wean, or not to wean: that is the question:
Whether ’tis nobler in the mind to suffer
The slings and arrows of outrageous sideways glances from other parents,
Or to take arms against a sea of troubles that will come when I deprive Vivi of her Precious Paci. . .

It’s no mystery that Vivi loves her binkie, and to this point, I haven’t been able to bite the bullet and make her part with something that she seems to still need, especially with a new baby brother on the way who will turn her world upside down.

Vivi Binkie 1

Aagh! Why don’t kids each come with their own personalized instruction manual???


  • Comment by Melissa C. — July 29, 2008 @ 6:09 pm

    I think most of the negative effects of pacifier use are only if they use them past age 3. Or am I making that up? Sounds good anyway. You can pretend I’m an expert… Both Isaac and Noah loved their binkies. Emma never took one, but she sucks her thumb, which is WAY worse because I can’t take it away (and her teeth are already totally messed up). Poor girl. By the way, I love the double binky picture! And I love your new background. Very cute!

  • Comment by Stacy A — July 30, 2008 @ 3:12 pm

    Look at Vivi’s gorgeous blue eyes! You could drown in those eyes. Did you have a good time in Utah? We will get you next time, maybe I will even be there. And I have all those problems and I never sucked a binkie or a thumb, so I say let her suck away! I hope things are well at home. Love Stacy

  • Comment by Deanna — July 30, 2008 @ 7:25 pm

    If she hits 5 and is still using it…then I might wonder a bit about you… but since I still haven’t gotten my 3 year old off of her thumb I can’t grudge a 2 year old her binkie. Don’t kick your self just yet, your doing great, and your right, you don’t want to make a huge change on her just before the baby comes, too much at once for one so young. Besides my sster sucked her thumb until she was almost 8, and despite that is fairly normal and well adjusted.

  • Comment by michelle k — August 1, 2008 @ 9:46 am

    Now that Missy has hit that 1-year mark, I have begun wondering when I should wean her off. I can’t imagine her not having it to go to sleep, especially when she likes having one in her mouth and at least one in her hand. I looove the double paci pic! You’ll know when she’s ready, at least that’s what I tell myself with Missy.

  • Comment by Marilyn — August 3, 2008 @ 9:12 pm

    Right now I think the binkie is serving as a paicfier for you as well; now is NOT the time to stop! With the two binkies in her mouth, her arch will not become too high and narrow, it may widen it a little…I would encourage the 2 paci use as much as possible. 🙂

  • Comment by Cousin Melanie — August 10, 2008 @ 9:00 pm

    I can’t remember if I shared my binki weaning ideas at the 4th of July picnic or not. With Emma, we took her to the store and let her pick out a toy and “pay” the cashier with all her binkis. When Bryce wanted to move into a bunk-bed with Colin, we told him he could as soon as he threw his binki in the garbage. He did it that night, though he asked for it a day or two later. “I’m sorry! The garbage man already has it!” We partially weaned the kids by making the binki only used in the crib at naptime and bedtime–then it serves to motivate child to go to bed!
    All the above said, I’m with you! With a new baby coming, don’t cause yourselves uneccessary trauma. There’s a season for everything. O.k. I’m done with my advice. I can’t help it–I’m an oldest child.

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