Ever After



Once upon a time there were three bears . . .


Apparently very upset that Goldilocks would dare move into THEIR house, these three units have been BEARS all summer.  But you see, unlike the bedtime story, it’s Goldilocks’ name on the deed to the home.  And as she eats HER porridge, sits in HER chair, and sleeps in HER bed, by dang, she doesn’t want to have beads of sweat dripping down her brow because one or more of these three bears is grumpy.

So, when Goldilocks came home on Saturday evening to find her cottage HOT, she almost cried.  Four AC malfunctions in the last three months (some of the hottest months since moving to TX) was simply more than she could BEAR.  But gathering her wits about her, she tromped off to the side of the house, avoiding a rat as he scurried by, and confronted Papa Bear, the current offender.  Thankfully, past problems with Baby Bear helped Goldilocks zero in on the likely problem–


A Monday morning trip to Baker Distributing Co. in McKinney (the only local HVAC supply company I could find that will sell to the public) confirmed the diagnosis.  The ‘fan’ terminal on the old capacitor tested bad, a new part was purchased, and upon returning home, Goldilocks managed to quickly restore Papa Bear to an operational condition without electrocuting herself in the process.

Goldilocks estimates that she saved BT $157.26 by fixing the unit herself, and with his blessing, she promptly applied this $ toward the purchase of a CORDLESS drill.


Thanks, honey!


  • Comment by Meredith Smith — August 26, 2008 @ 2:13 pm

    You’re handiness never ceases to amaze me! Way to go, Goldilocks. I hope those bears won’t give you any more trouble.

  • Comment by Lisa Chambers — August 27, 2008 @ 6:25 pm

    You are so resourceful. If we ever have any
    ac problems I am calling you, so that you can
    teach me how to be the handy person around the house.

  • Comment by Deanna — August 28, 2008 @ 7:07 pm

    Lori you so totally amaze me. I would have been griping and complaining, or finding another house to be at (like maybe yours) if our AC had given out!

  • Comment by Mike Chambers — September 25, 2008 @ 10:50 pm

    I’m amazed that it’s YOU purchasing the cordless drill rather than the manly MAN of the family. Probably the single most useful power tool on the planet! Good choice. Now if I could only get Lisa to want a table saw for HER Christmas present…

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