Ever After


1 Comment

As my two youngest kids gasped and wheezed through RSV-infected lungs Saturday night, I wished that I could breathe for them.  As any mother would, I longed to take away the pain and discomfort of my little children.  

  Vivi NebTad 4Mo

And then my thoughts were turned to Someone who undoubtedly knew exactly how I felt . . . who loved ME enough to suffer unexplicable pain on my behalf. And as this thought came to my mind, peace came to my heart, and I was comforted to know that even in the dark of that frightening night, I was not alone.

1 Comment

  • Comment by Deanna — February 8, 2009 @ 10:00 pm

    ooh I recognize that mask!!! 🙁 Aaron needed one of those last week too. The girls never got that bad but we know for sure he had RSV and needed the nebulizer. Poor kids and poor mama!!

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