Ever After



Ever since my brother David and his amazing wife Andee visited us for Thanksgiving, our home hasn’t been the same.  And not just because David pretty much spent his entire vacation fixing stuff around our house . . . Stuff like stopping and preventing leaks by tightening the pipes under EVERY sink, replacing the tank fill valves on all of our toilets and the bubble-thingie in the upstairs toilet, sealing the granite in our kitchen, hanging curtains in the girls’ room, installing a new ceiling fan in the girls’ room, replacing the fan blades and bulbs on the ceiling fan in the family room, trimming the trees in the girls’ secret backyard hideout, changing the brakes on BT’s truck, replacing the belts on my Mazda, installing a timer and replacing the light sockets on the front architectural lights, installing a motion-sensor floodlight by the back door, fixing the bottom drawer in the refrigerator, helping me sell spare tools on Craigslist . . . and I’m SURE that I’ve left something off the list.

No.  David’s legacy is more than that.  Whenever something breaks or we can’t figure out how to do something around here, more than one of us is prone to utter, “If Uncle David were here, he’d know how to fix this.”

And yet this is the brother who used to set my alarm clock to go off in the middle of the night . . . and would close the AC/heat vent to my room so that he’d get all the cool/warm air . . . and would put his false teeth by MY plate at the dinner table.

I miss David and Andee.  And not just because our toilets now flush properly and our sinks don’t leak.  I miss them, and all my siblings and their spouses, because we have so much fun when we are together.  BEAR LAKE July 2009 or BUST!!!  Be there.


  • Comment by Pammy Sue — February 3, 2009 @ 3:13 pm

    I’ve been to Bear Lake! My SIL’s fam has a cabin there…beautiful and fun! Say HI to that fam of yours for me! Where are your parents now?

  • Comment by David — February 8, 2009 @ 2:06 pm

    First thanks for the blog, it keeps my ADD at bay during sacrament meetings. Second, I thought for sure by now one of the ceiling fan blades would have swung off and shot through a window or one of your newly installed lights would have sparked and burnt your house down. I do need to come back soon to feed Vivi more Mtn. Dew and corrupt the years of training you,ve given to your kids.

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