Ever After


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For a couple of weeks, the theme song around our house could have been, “Oh, Christmas Tree.” But instead of the joyful refrains normally heard this time of year, we were singing in mournful tones.

As a consequence for Guppy’s lackluster performance at swim team, our Christmas tree was still in storage, and I must admit that I was surprised by the lack of support I received from Bryan. He went so far as to basically suggest that I was holding Christmas hostage because I was an overbearing swim mom who needed do a few laps in a chilly pool. Even my own mother who is the queen of TOUGH LOVE tactics was feeling sorry for Ariana. But everyone knows that one of the most important rules of parenting is to follow through when dishing out discipline. Right?

Thankfully, Ariana put together a string of good workouts last week, and we were able to usher in the Christmas season. We even started a new tradition–making Grandma Daniels’ custard (Bryan’s favorite) and eating it after the tree is up.

GuppyTree2007 ViviTree2007 AriCustard2007 Vivi3Custard2007

p.s. I really do need to chill out about the swim team thing. More on that later.

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