Kind–Never a harsh word have I heard come from her mouth
Loving–Always thinking of others’ feelings
Beautiful–Inside and out!
Sweet–Reads to and sings her Vivi to sleep
Helpful–Ready and willing to help ease my load in any way she can
Obedient–Sometimes not as quickly as I’d like, but always coming through in the end
Honest–Quick to acknowledge when she’s done something wrong
Long-suffering–Never throwing a fit when things don’t go her way
Patient–Never losing her temper, and understanding of her parents’ crazy schedules and commitments. (When someone recently asked her why her dad hadn’t fixed her bike, she calmly replied, “In case you haven’t noticed, my dad is a very busy man.”)
Happy–Not prone to mood swings or pouting
Confident–At ease in front of a group . . . the bigger the better
Articulate–Wonderful at expressing her thoughts and feelings
Intelligent–An accomplished reader and artist. Three straight-A report cards in a row, and hoping for a 4th!
Mobile–Just took off the last training wheel today!
Improved–Won the “2007-2008 Most Improved Award” for Frisco Aquatics. Placed 7th in her 25-yard butterfly event–the first time she swam this difficult stroke in a meet!
Ariana–One of the most amazing people I know! A blessing in our lives and a joy in our home!