Ever After



Biting herself . . . pulling out chunks of her own hair . . . screaming at the top of her lungs . . . negotiating every parental request . . . pinching Dad . . . scratching Mom . . . throwing any object within reach across the room . . . reattachment to the binkie . . . complete loss of interest in potty training . . . inconsolable crying when mommy or daddy leaves . . .

The last several weeks have been a tough adjustment for our Miss Vivi.

Miss Vivi2

She was at least able to verbalize her needs this morning.  “Put Baby Tad in his bed and hold me.  Tickle my back.  I want momma/daughter time.”

It’s tough to see my baby girl struggle and, in many ways, grow up over night.  Suddenly, her diapers look HUGE and she seems to weigh exponentially more than before.  But despite the temper tantrums, I try to take a deep breath and remind myself that she is just a sweet little girl whose world has been turned upside down.

I love you, Miss Vivi . . . to the moon and BACK!


  • Comment by Marilyn — October 29, 2008 @ 9:42 pm

    There is absolutely nothing terrible about her, even if she is two!
    She was so sweet and happy when I saw her on Sunday that I have a hard time believing what I am reading.
    Since I had 4 children of my own and they went through the “baby blues” when their siblings came along, I do believe you.
    I’m glad she is a girl who will tell you what she wants though, that is great!
    Did you take the photo during Mamma/Daughter time?
    Really sweet!

  • Comment by Dana — October 30, 2008 @ 4:50 pm

    That’s what I say to Ty when he comes home at night. But instead of “put down the baby” it’s “put down the computer” 🙂

  • Comment by Melissa C. — November 2, 2008 @ 5:37 pm

    Sorry to hear she’s having a tough time. This too shall pass! That picture is gorgeous!

  • Comment by Lyssa — November 3, 2008 @ 10:52 pm

    Sweet Vivi…I can’t imagine her ever doing any of those things 🙂 I guess we all go through “adjustment periods”. I love that picture of her! Beautiful eyes.

  • Comment by Lisa — November 4, 2008 @ 12:57 pm

    I love the picture of Vivi. She was such a cutie last night. It was so good to see BT and the girls last night. We really need to get together again, so I can see your family’s newest addition.

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