Ever After



Black Bile.  That’s the only explanation I can offer up as to why I haven’t posted to the blog for a month and a half.   Whenever Heidi Ho (my sister) and I are in a BAD mood, we blame it on Black Bile.  Normally, an overdose of chocolate helps.  I’ve tried that.  Just yesterday I ate half a plate of brownies, and yet today I still just want to sit in my jammies and avoid contact with other members of the human race.  When my parental duties do force me to venture out to the grocery store or dentist or piano lessons, the fresh air and a bit of adult conversation do seem to help, but the black bile always returns.  Perhaps I haven’t eaten ENOUGH chocolate???  Maybe I stopped just shy of finding blessed relief from this funk and should have eaten the ENTIRE plate of brownies.


  • Comment by Lisa (Sister) — December 10, 2008 @ 5:30 pm

    Well if you need a laugh just think about Saturday and Ariana’s words of wisdom to me regarding dating. That should bring a smile to your face. Kids are more fun to be around anyways….

    Love you,


  • Comment by Judy — December 12, 2008 @ 5:38 pm

    Black Bile huh? Well at least you celebrated National Brownie day! I just didn’t give birth, i dont’ have three kids (two who are little) and there are days I dont’ want to get out my jammies either! Truly wish we were closer! I would come kidnap ya and go do something that isn’t mommy. Worried about ya! Love ya!

  • Comment by Melissa C. — December 20, 2008 @ 5:53 pm

    You definitely should have eaten the whole plate of brownies! I probably would have. 🙂 I’ve been in a blogging funk lately, too, but I don’t even have a good excuse (like a little baby)!

  • Comment by Heidi Ho — December 28, 2008 @ 7:13 pm

    I know what you need. Me!!!!! I too have been in a funk since Lisa called. I miss you and Lisa too much. Tell BT that you need a vacation and come see me. I will be mommy to your children and your best friend ever! You will have to nurse though because my tanks are running on empty. 🙂 The holiday rush is a lot of stress. Take a bath and read a good book while eating chocolate truffles from Costco. Then take a sleeping pill and get a good nights sleep. That always helps me. I miss you and can’t wait to see you soon!

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