Ever After



Vivi is the most girly girl I know, and I LOVE it!  She loves getting her hair done, especially if it involves a bow of some kind. She parades around the house in dress up most of the day and refers to me as “Queen Mother.”  So, when BT called me outside and suggested that I bring my camera, I didn’t expect to be taking pictures of my little princess holding a slimy grub worm.  On the bright side, perhaps I can cancel my $pest control contract$ and turn the task over to Miss Vivi.  

Thankfully, I have all week to try and reverse the crash course tomboy training that BT likes to inflict upon my sweet Vivi each Saturday as they work side-by-side in the backyard.

Vivi Grub Worm1 Vivi Grub Worm2 


  • Comment by Judy — February 15, 2009 @ 11:54 pm

    That is one brave girl! It can be a good thing to have some of those Tomgirl tendencies… especially with a brother coming up right behind her. You’re lucky you got to take a picture. Breagan would have definitely killed it by the time I got back into the house.

  • Comment by Cousin Melanie — February 16, 2009 @ 1:36 pm

    It’s the juxtaposition of pink fur with the slimy grub that I think so perfect! Get that girl some yard clothes, Lori! You should see what I send my kids outside in. Actually, I take that back. Bethany ruined a pair of pink jeans in 5 minutes flat the other day when I took her outside so I could soak up some rare February rays. She soaked up some grimy snow melt puddles.

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