Ever After


1 Comment

When BT harvested asparagus from the garden today, I must admit that I was mighty proud of my wannabe-farmer hubby.  If you followed the blog last year, you know that he had nothing but bunny troubles out back. The varmint pretty much gorged themselves on the fruits of BT’s labors, but for some reason, they spared the asparagus.

Do you think it’s because asparagus makes bunny tinkle smell funny, too?



1 Comment

  • Comment by michelle k. — March 5, 2009 @ 7:17 pm

    Cool asparagus! It looks so good! In response to your “Goya Question”… I got them at a store down here called H.E.B.. They own Cenral Market and they rock my world. I don’t know if Walmart carries them though?? Have you checked there?

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