Ever After
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  • August18th


    I’d venture to guess that, for most people, the Olympics are inspiring.  Unfortunately, I’m feeling like a big, pregnant blob these days, so seeing beach volleyball players in their teeny weeny bikinis wasn’t doing a lot for my ego.  And then, as I watched Michael Phelps win his 8th gold medal, it dawned on me.  On behalf of all pregnant women of the world, past-present-future, I can hold my head high.  We are not so different from (and in many ways are superior to) these world-class athletes!

    • Every time I try to paint my toenails or shave my legs, I have to exhibit nearly as much flexibility as Nastia Liukin!
    • Completely exhausted,  as I climb our long flight of stairs for the umpteenth time at the end of the day, I’m demonstrating the stamina and determination of the most fatigued marathon runner.
    • Hey, Kerri Walsh! My wedding ring doesn’t fit very well either.
    • The media made a big deal about how little time Dara Torres had to rest between events.  Getting up in the middle of the night to go to the bathroom AGAIN, after having just fallen asleep from the previous time, I can totally relate!
    • Like the Olympic wrestlers, I’m desperately trying not to slip into the next weight category.  But despite my best efforts, I’m bearing a striking resemblance to some of the women shot putters.
    • What’s the big deal about Kobe and the rest of the dream team?  All they have to do is fit a nice round ball through an amply-sized hoop.  No forceps or emergency c-sections needed there!
    • Olympic athletes think that THEY have butterflies in their tummies?

    And yet, on the day of my “medal ceremony,” I’ll have my eternal coach by my side, but there will be no primetime media coverage.  No one will be playing the national anthem.  Hopefully NO world records will be set.  But our angel straight from heaven will be more precious to me than any number of gold medals could ever be.  D-Day = 6 weeks, 6 days and counting!

  • August15th

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    Of all the wonderful blessings of living in this area, one of the greatest is the GOOD FRIENDS that we’ve made here.

    As Ariana gets older and friends play an even larger role in her life, I am especially grateful for the goodness of her friends that bring such a wonderful spirit into our home every time they visit.  I love that they feel comfortable joining in on the good-natured teasing and “smack talking” that goes on around here–such as “Maylor TcAleavy” bravely eating jalapeno and then trying, in vain, to get BT to prove his machismo.


    When you ask God for a gift,
    Be thankful if he sends,
    Not diamonds, pearls, or riches,
    but the love of real true friends.

    – Helen Steiner Rice

  • August15th

    • 4 crayon bags
    • 8 doll quilts
    • 8 doll nightgowns
    • 8 doll pillowcases
    • 8 doll pillows
    • 1 large baptism quilt
    • 3 sewing caddies

    Miracle of miracles, that’s the list of sewing projects that I’ve ACTUALLY FINISHED over the last few weeks, almost all of which utilized fabric stash that I’ve been hoarding for years.

    DSC_0447 Completed Projects Doll Nightgown

    Next up . . . more DEAR JANE blocks!!!

  • August15th


    As I sit here staring at the computer screen, I shed the tears of a mother who wants to freeze time, and I struggle to find the words to adequately express my love for you, Ariana.  I know that I need to spend MORE time cuddling with you on the couch and LESS time trying to keep up with household chores.  I know that I need to give you MORE words of encouragement and FEWER words of criticism.

    And so, while I hope that you love the fun American Girl-themed party and other gifts that you received on this special birthday–all tokens of our love for you–I hope that my efforts over the coming year to strengthen my relationship with you will be the best gift you receive from me.

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY, my sweet girl.

    Ariana Bday PresentAriana Bday Dinner Ariana Bday Ariana Bday Party Ariana Bday Invite

  • July29th

    • Pacifier use increases the risk of ear infections.
    • Pacifier use causes buck teeth or other dental abnormalities.
    • Pacifier use inhibits evolving social development.
    • Pacifier use is unsanitary.
    • Pacifier use hinders language development and can cause a lisp.
    • Pacifier use delays potty training.
    • Pacifier use beyond infancy hinders the development of self-soothing and stress-management techniques.
    • Pacifier use paves the road for future addictive behaviors such as smoking or eating disorders.

    Vivi Binkie 2

    To wean, or not to wean: that is the question:
    Whether ’tis nobler in the mind to suffer
    The slings and arrows of outrageous sideways glances from other parents,
    Or to take arms against a sea of troubles that will come when I deprive Vivi of her Precious Paci. . .

    It’s no mystery that Vivi loves her binkie, and to this point, I haven’t been able to bite the bullet and make her part with something that she seems to still need, especially with a new baby brother on the way who will turn her world upside down.

    Vivi Binkie 1

    Aagh! Why don’t kids each come with their own personalized instruction manual???

  • July27th


    As a mom with kids that were recently sick, a thermometer reading “98 degrees” is a blessed thing. But as a homeowner seeing the same reading on the thermostat in her bedroom despite the fact that the AC had been running all day while she away, I suddenly was the one feeling SICK!

    BT whipped the house into immaculate shape as a homecoming surprise, but I could have done without the surprise of ANOTHER broken down AC unit. So, one of the first tasks I had upon my return from vacation was to try and diagnose/fix the AC. Unfortunately, because I am acquiring quite a bit of experience in the AC department, I was able to narrow down the problem to either a burned out outside fan motor or a defunct capacitor. There’s a GREAT store in Dallas (Adam the Answer Man) that sells parts and offers know-how so that you can fix your own appliances. BT and I fixed our fridge a few years ago–$30 part vs. $290 repair from a local rip-off artist (Smartway Appliances–VERY crooked, HORRIBLE BBB reviews, STAY AWAY from them!!!).

    Anyway, I digress.

    After trying to discharge the capacitor ourselves only to have the thing spark like it was a 4th of July firework, even my frugal sweetheart caved and agreed that we could call someone in this time . . . with the condition that I watch everything that he does so that we could do it ourselves next time. (And I’m sure that, with three aging AC units, there WILL BE a next time). So, although the AC tech (James Piper–honest, knowledgeable & reliable) was probably a little annoyed as a large, pregnant woman hovered over him, watching his every move, asking all sorts of questions, he patiently endured the service call and was quickly on his way. Speaking of pregnant, it turns out that we had a “pregnant” capacitor–bowed at the top and bottom and evidently ready to give birth because she as leaking oil.

    Am I glad that we called in a pro this time? You bet.

    Will I be able to fix it myself next time? You bet.

  • July18th

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    I never knew that ten little fingers could wrap their way around my heart like they have. 


    One of the things that I cherish about my little Miss Vivi is how she loves to hold my hand . . . but not just HOLD my hand.  She entwines her fingers around mine and squeezes tight.  And every time she does this my heart melts, frustrations flee, and I say a little silent prayer of thanks for being entrusted with such a precious little angel.

  • July13th


    My Man A Buck Sixty-Five.  That’s what Bryan claims he weighs.  It’s truly endearing how he tries to make me feel better in my advanced stage of pregnancy, proclaiming a “lofty” weight, thinking that there’s no way that I’ll hit that mark and thus will not feel quite so large.

    Think again.

    I can’t comprehend how he could possibly know how much he really weighs because I doubt that he has stepped on our bathroom scale in the last year.


    Unlike me.

    I weigh myself daily, if not more.


    So, we are left to speculate about his true weight.

    I ask you, my friends, if you think that the man in this picture, my wonderful husband, would even tip the scale at “a buck forty.”  And for the past few weeks that I’ve been on vacation in Utah distanced from BT, I’m awfully worried that he’s had to punch some new holes in his belt to keep his pants up.  A few nights ago, his dinner consisted of a can of diet root beer.

    Until I get home (in a week and a half), if you happen to see Bryan out and about, will you please remind him to EAT!

  • July2nd

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    I like my chocolate bittersweet, not my vacations.  Unfortunately, I’m afraid that the fun the girls and I have as we visit family in Utah over the next three weeks will be tempered by the fact that Bryan is not with us.  Nonetheless, I am grateful that he has a job and that he works so hard to provide for our family.   We LOVE you and we MISS you, BT.

    Ari Swinging Vivi Horse Sam and Vivi Swinging

  • June27th


    Tolbert Private Library

    Who Hath a book
    Has friends at hand,
    And gold and gear
    At his command;

    And rich estates,
    If he but look,
    Are held by him
    Who hath a book.

    Who hath a book
    Has but to read
    And he may be
    A king indeed;

    His Kingdom is
    His inglenook;
    All this is his
    Who hath a book.

    Wilbur D. Nesbit

    I am so grateful that Bryan and I share a love of books, instilled by mothers who read to us.

    I had a Mother who read to me
    Sagas of pirates who scoured the sea,
    Cutlasses clenched in their yellow teeth,
    “Blackbirds” stowed in the hold beneath

    I had a Mother who read me lays
    Of ancient and gallant and golden days;
    Stories of Marmion and Ivanhoe,
    Which every boy has a right to know.

    I had a Mother who read me tales
    Of Gelert the hound of the hills of Wales,
    True to his trust till his tragic death,
    Faithfulness blent with his final breath.

    I had a Mother who read me the things
    That wholesome life to the boy heart brings—
    Stories that stir with an upward touch,
    Oh, that each mother of boys [and girls] were such!

    You may have tangible wealth untold;
    Caskets of jewels and coffers of gold.
    Richer than I you can never be—
    I had a Mother who read to me.
    Strickland Gillilan