Ever After


1 Comment

a sunBEAM!

Posted in: Tad

Sunday was a big day for our little guy–his first day of Sunbeams. His new Primary teacher had stopped by the night before to bring him a cookie, and he couldn’t be more excited to go to church. He awoke early and dressed himself–one button-down collar white shirt, two sweaters, Lego Batman undies, and gym socks. No pants. He had a bit of a stuffy nose so we tried to talk him into staying home with me (I was sick), but he was determined to attend. Thankfully, I was able to coax one sweater off and one pair of pants on before he bounced off to church.

When Ariana was three, I was a single parent with a new job in a new state. Life was crazy.
When Vivi was three, Tad was a newborn and Bryan was bishop. Life was crazy.

Life is still crazy, but in different, more manageable ways. Perhaps that’s why I am enjoying this stage in Tad’s life more than I was able to with my girls??? Or maybe I’ve just grown into this motherhood thing??? Or maybe I should just stop over-analyzing everything and just embrace every moment of this magical stage!

Thanks for brightening our lives, little Sunbeam.

1 Comment

  • Comment by cheryl bass — February 14, 2012 @ 5:43 pm

    You’re not growing into motherhood. You were MADE to be a mother. You’re soooooo good at it! I love your description of Tad dressing himself. So cute. And, what a GREAT sunbeam teacher to visit the night before to help make him less nervous. I swear there are some SMART people is this ward (you included!)

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